Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wedding Cakes: Fondant vs. Buttercream

When brides are looking at cakes many ask, "what is the difference between fondant and buttercream?" So today we are going to explain the difference and the benefits and draw backs of both of both.

Most times when you see a wedding cake in a magazine or on TV it is covered in fondant. Fondant is basically a sugar paste rolled into a sheet that is then laid on the cake. Fondant can be colored to order and it is pliable. According to the it has a chewy texture and has a mellow taste.
The benefit of using fondant is that it holds up well at outdoor weddings, and it can have a more polished look depending on your baker. It is easy to smooth and decorate.
The downside of fondant is that it is more expensive than buttercream, and many people don’t like the texture or taste of fondant.

Buttercream is a sweet creamy icing. The says that, “Chances are the birthday cakes you had growing up were covered with buttercream. This icing is popular for American wedding cakes since many people prefer the taste of buttercream.”
The benefits of buttercream are taste and price. Buttercream is easier to make and use so it costs a bit less than fondant.
The downside of buttercream can be aesthetics. You need a good baker experienced in buttercream to make it look as smooth and polished as fondant, but it can be done. If your reception is outdoors or in the heat, special care must be taken with buttercream since it doesn’t hold up as well in those conditions.

Remember, a good baker makes all the difference! An experienced cake maker can educate you in your options and can work well with both icings. For example, we work with an amazing baker, probably the best in North Texas. Sandy works with both fondant and buttercream. She can easily make buttercream look polished and her cakes taste amazing.-

Picture on top is fondant, picture bottom is buttercream. Both pictures from the

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